Towards a new vision for a responsible leather supply chain


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This website is published by: PROXIMUM365 - 24 Quai Gallieni 92 150 Suresnes – France on behalf of the Alliance France Cuir
Registered Office: 105, rue du faubourg Saint-Honoré - 75373 PARIS Cedex 08
Phone: +33 (0)1 43 59 05 69
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Design, construction: PROXIMUM365
Content: Alliance France Cuir
Hébergement: OVH

PROXIMUM365 is registered in the register of companies of the Nanterre Court of First Instance, under No. 424 540 441 RCS NANTERRE.

GDPR GDPR The presentation and content of this site together constitute a work protected by the laws in force on intellectual property, of which PROXIMUM365 and the Alliance France Cuir are holders

Privacy Policy
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The French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 allows you to modify or delete information related to your registration to the Sustainable Leather Forum event at any time. PROXIMUM365 on behalf of the Alliance France Cuir respects French legislation on the protection of privacy and keeps your information confidential. According to the article 34 of the law "Informatique et Libertés", you have a right of access, modification, rectification and deletion of the data which concern you. To exercise this right, please contact us directly at

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Jurisdiction Clause This website is subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the Courts of France shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Limitation of Liability The information available on the website (texts, graphics, photos, etc.) is purely for general information purposes and is provided as a guideline only. Despite our best care in creating this website and ensuring its accuracy, particularly with regard to the updating of information online, this website cannot form a contractual document and cannot be used as grounds for legal action. The Alliance France Cuir is not responsible for possible errors or failures inherent to the information system. In particular, it cannot be held responsible for transmission delays, reliability of data transmissions, access times or possibly access restrictions on specific networks and/or servers connected to the Internet.

The Alliance France Cuir reserves the right to modify the information presented on this site at any time.

Only the general conditions of participation specific to the event are binding. These general conditions of participation will be communicated to you at the time of your registration, they must be read and approved.

Hypertext Links Inserting a hypertext link to this website requires prior authorisation in writing from Alliance France Cuir. In any case, the National Leather Council has no control over any website containing a hypertext link to this website. Under no circumstances can the Alliance France Cuir be held liable for websites that contain a hypertext link to this website and does not accept any responsibility with regard to their content and use.

Modification This legal notice may be modified and/or adapted at any time. The Alliance France Cuir by its provider PROXIMUM365 undertakes to inform you about these amendments as soon as possible and suggests that you check this notice regularly. For further information, please contact the National Leather Council - 105, rue du faubourg Saint-Honoré - 75373 PARIS Cedex 08